
Author Archives: Randall Lee

Mike Ciprari -Persevere Through it all

The first time I saw SJC Custom Drums, I was in love. Visually, the drums are nothing short of inspiring and once you’re behind the kit, you realize what a master piece each drum really is. The drums are hand crafted in Southbridge, Massachusetts. From hand cut bearing edges to fantastic customer service, the company is proving itself unstoppable in the music industry. Brothers Mike and Scott Ciprari founded SJC Custom Drums 16 years ago, making drum kits from scratch in […]

Throw the Fight-Finding Meaning

Have you ever had one of those bands that you really liked, but somehow lost track of? Then one day you come across them again to ask yourself, “How did I not keep up with these guys? They are amazing!”.  Well, Throw the Fight was one of those bands for me. I had been introduced to them a few years ago when their last album, “What Doesn’t Kill Us” came out. I loved the album and listened to it quite a […]

Forever Still-Music is Made for that very Reason

Forever Still is a band that I ran into a few months ago while checking out some new music that had popped up on my feed when they were promoting the song, “Awake the Fire”, off of their latest full length release, “Tied Down”. After hearing this one song, I knew that they had something special. Their music is dark, heavy, and hauntingly beautiful. After listening to their album a few times and checking out their social networking sites and all […]

Jimi Haha-I Enjoy Life Much More when I Choose to Enjoy it

Jimmie’s Chicken Shack was one of those independent bands that I love. A band that always did everything their way and never compromised. Their musicianship was way underated and they successfully were able to appeal to a wide variety of listeners. Unfortunately they somehow managed to stay under the radar of the mainstream rock and only had limited success with a few singles even though they toured extensively with some major rock/alternative acts. They just never quite found their own major success that they […]

Randall Lee-There is always an answer

In this week’s interview we turn the tables on….well…me. I get to answer questions that were sent to me by those that I have interviewed for Don’t Let the Music Stop. They were all given the opportunity to ask any question that they had about the site, my mission, and about me personally. I compiled these questions, arranged them in an order that seems to make sense, grouped similar questions together, and sat down and answered each one, only changing spelling […]

The Unlikely Candidates-everyone is fighting a battle

This interview was conducted by Amanda Harras of Saphyre Rain in conjunction with Don’t Let the Music Stop. I can’t forget the day I first heard The Unlikely Candidates. I stumbled upon their newest single “Your Love Could Start A War” while flipping through radio stations. I instantly connected to the music. The Fort Worth, Texas indie rock band combines ingenious lyrics, contagious vocal melodies, and excellent instrumentation, all set to beats that make your feet want to move. The members are Kyle […]

Jethro Sheeran-There’s Always a Positive

When most people think of the name Sheeran, they think of singer/songwriter, Ed Sheeran. But there is actually another extremely talented Sheeran, Jethro “Alonestar” Sheeran. Jethro is an amazing rapper/producer from England that, just like his cousin, Ed, knows how to write some very catchy and meaningful music. I had came across a few of his songs about six months ago, and liked them immediately. With all of the positive messages he shares almost daily on his pages, coupled with his […]

To Live as Wolves-The One Saving Grace

To Live as Wolves is an up and coming band from New York that has a very strong message in their music. I had ran into their first EP about a month ago and it blew me away with how powerful the songs were. After listening to it, and reading through their lyrics, I thought they would be a great band to talk to. I reached out to the band to see if they might be interested in talking to me and […]

Leave the Universe- We Are All in this Crazy Life Together

Leave the Universe is a cyber punk influenced Pop/Rock band that was originally from Durango, CO and moved to San Diego, CA when they felt they needed a larger audience than their local scene could provide. Their current line up consists of Kalin Pugh, Cameron Phillips, and Austin Arthur. Currently they have two singles that are available for free at their Soundcloud page: “Dreamers Never Die”, a slower acoustic song showcasing their more reserved pop influenced side, and “Run”, a […]

Dominic Valecillo-Music is the island in that rough sea

I first met Dominic online about seven years ago when he was still in the band Pesticide. Pesticide was a Industrial rock act that seemed to draw it’s influence from bands like Faith No More and Mushroomhead. I was running a fan site that introduced new music and I stumbled across them and became “friends” with Dom after inquiring about the band. Unfortunately, soon after I discovered them, Pesticide disbanded. Dom and I stayed on as online friends and I […]